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Students reach their friends for Jesus through student-led outreach events -- to develop leaders, encourage younger believers to follow Jesus, and rescue the lost.

Young people across the United States, and around the world,

are mobilizing their own student-led outreach events.  


Each event features worship, drama, hope stories, and a

clear Gospel presentation.


Events are planned months in advance by young people.  The process

typically includes a student contacting HOWTOLIFE Movement

(often through Instagram), who then gets customized coaching and

encouragement from an experienced HowToLife regional or national student



Student leaders are instructed to develop a plan, build their teams, and pray for God to move powerfully through their event.  The training for leading every part of a HowToLife Movement event is available through training videos.


A location is determined, and a budget is set – to cover costs of facility rental, promotional materials, event insurance, and more.  Each student group is responsible for raising all the local expenses for their event.


Student leaders are encouraged to mobilize area students from multiple schools and churches, resulting in an area-wide outreach.


Finally, young people are equipped to boldly share the Gospel, and lead their friends to Christ.


Almost every HowToLife event has seen anywhere from 100 to 700 students attend, with many making commitments to Christ!


“This movement touched the lives of many. It is the talk of the school! People keep asking me when the next one is and how the event impacted their lives. HowToLife was life-changing.”  Amber




SEE NEXT:    Leadership Conferences / Retreats        OR         Digital Media Ministry




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